Booking Portal
How to lock in your entertainment:
1) Select how many entertainers you will require for your specific service/s.
2) Click “Add to Cart”.
3) Then click “Proceed to checkout”.
4) Fill out the online booking form.
Once the booking has been received, we will be in touch within 24hrs (exluding weekends) to confirm &
we will send a confirmation email with some important info for you to read.
*Online booking portal calculates the agency commission for your service/s. The performance price for each service is a seperate payment. It’s a cash payment and goes directly to the entertainer/s on the night to keep (please refer to the service pricing section on our website).
*COVID-19 cancellation policy: You will not receive a refund of the online booking payment if your event has to cancel due to social gathering or event restrictions. No refund will be given if the event is cancelled due to state border closures, you knowingly accept the risk of a border closure when making a booking. If booking is in a border zone area, or close to the border, please check if we have entertainrs who live in the same state.
This is the booking portal for all our family websites: